Photo of a sensual couple in love on a dark background

Sensual Audio Erotica Stories That Will Get You Flustered

Over the course of countless hours (and yes, we’re talking a round number of around 300 – no need to double-check that math), I’ve explored the diverse world of audio erotica. Hey, it’s a tough job, but someone’s got to do it!

The result of this not-so-scientific expedition? I’ve uncovered an enticing collection of stories so sensual they’ll send shivers down your spine. I’m talking about the kind of narratives where your bodies sway in a slow rhythm as his fingers are painting delicate patterns on your skin and his lips press against yours in a tender, explorative kiss. You lose yourselves into a moment where softness meets passion, and everything else fades away. Oh yes, we’re going there.

Here are seven of the most sensual and spicy audio erotica stories:

    I tried to include mostly free sources so you will see a few links to PornHub. I apologise about this in advance, as I am aware none of us are eager to look at jumping dick ads. But PornHub is one of the best free sources for audio erotica, because other platforms, such as YouTube restrict adult content.

    Without further ado, let’s jump into each of these sensual and hot stories!

    Listen to ‘This is All About Appreciating You, Honey!’ on PornHub for FREE or on Patreon

    Sensual couple cuddling on a bed

    Vibe: Sweet & caring

    Spice rating: 🌶️🌶️🌶️

    Main theme: Husband caresses and kisses your body before propping you up on his chair, spreading your legs wide and delivering you a leg shaking O

    Feeling: Heartwarming and loving. This audio will leave you with your heart full and make you feel like the most loved woman in the world

    Premise: You are happily married to a goofball of a husband. As he is finishing off his workday, you peek your head into his home office to check how he is doing. He is in a playful mood and oh so grateful to have you as a wife, which he is more than willing to prove with a shower of kisses and words of love.

    He sets you up on his chair as he makes his way down your body leaving a trail of sweet kisses and cute dirty talk. His goofy mood makes you laugh, but you are also turned on from all the naughty things he is whispering in your ear, leaving you trembling and giggling. He keeps caressing your whole body, reminding of how precious you are to him, before spreading your legs wide and working his way around pleasuring you. He is dedicated to your pleasure and yours only.


    -But first, let’s start with a little teasing.

    -Gonna trail down this lovely neck of yours…

    Going ever so slowly down your chest…

    -As I distract you with my kisses…

    My hands are going to trail down to the bottom of your shirt… like this

    Listen to ‘This is All About Appreciating You, Honey!’ on PornHub for FREE or on Patreon

    Love In The Dark

    Listen to ‘Love In The Dark’ on PornHub for FREE or on Patreon

    Greek god holding kissing his partner, a princess, in a sensual atmosphere

    Vibe: Passionate, forbidden love

    Spice rating: 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️

    Main theme: Greek mythology

    Feeling: The dirty talk will have you blushing, the story will keep you on your toes and you will feel like a queen every second of it

    Premise: This audio has a bit of a different premise, situated in a Greek mythology context, but don’t let it scare you away because this audio is definitely worth a listen! The passion and sensuality of this erotic story is unmatched.

    Long ago, you, a princess were worshipped for your divine beauty, and thus you invoked the wrath of Aphrodite. She demanded her son, the god of desire, to bring a horrific fate down upon the poor princess by making you fall for a monster.

    But with a single look, he fell deeply in love with the princess, and took you as his bride. He refuses to reveal his identity to you and keeps you locked away in his palace to keep you safe from his vengeful mother.

    Tonight he has returned for one night only as he needs to leave by sunrise. He doesn’t want to waste a single minute of your time together.

    Your husband reassures his immense love for you, and he is aching to see how much you miss him when he is away: “Show me, show me what you do when I’m not here to give you pleasure. Show me how you survive without me. Show me how you touch yourself.”

    The story develops into a passionate scene that will make you blush, tremble and gasp. As one of the listeners put it: “This is the hottest fucking thing I have heard in my entire life. GOD. DAMN!”


    “-Who am I? You have asked me that question countless times, yet you know, I cannot answer. You can never know my true self. If you did, your life would be in constant danger and all I have done would be for nothing. It would bring you pain and suffering. And I would sooner drown myself in the river before I ever allow that to happen.

    I am your husband. You are my wife. That is all that matters. I know, I ask so much of you and I hope you can forgive me for doing so, but I would not go to these lengths to protect you, did I not care for you as much as I do. If I did not love you… you must know this. You must know what I feel for you.”

    Listen to ‘Love In The Dark’ on PornHub for FREE or on Patreon

    A Softer Touch

    Listen to ‘A Softer Touch’ on PornHub for FREE or on Patreon

    Boyfriend comforting his girlfriend early in the morning

    Vibe: Sweet, passionate and sensual

    Spice rating: 🌶️🌶️

    Main theme: Gentle partner comforts your anxiety at night which turns into sensual morning sex

    Feeling: Comforting, making you feel safe and protected

    Premise: Some days are harder than others with anxiety. You just couldn’t go to sleep but you were too scared to wake your partner.

    When he wakes up in the middle of the night for cuddles, he can tell right away something is wrong. Knowing you need him, he gives you all the love and cares you need.

    In his strong arms you finally let go and relax. You both embrace each others warm hugs, spiralling into a sensual erotic pleasure as you let him bring you to a much needed release.

    His soft touch is all you’ll ever need…


    “Well, when you’re in my arms, nothing can hurt you. Okay? I’ve got you. You’re safe. Everything is okay. Just hold me for a second.”

    Listen to ‘A Softer Touch’ on PornHub for FREE or on Patreon

    P.S. If you liked this story, you might also enjoy these comforting audios that will help you sleep

    The Holiday Aesthetic

    Listen to ‘The Holiday Aesthetic’ on PornHub for FREE or on Patreon

    Sensual couple cuddling in front of a fireplace and a Christmas tree

    Vibe: Safe, cuddly, sensual

    Spice rating: 🌶️🌶️

    Main theme: Sex in front of a fire place after a cup of hot chocolate and a snowball fight

    Feeling: That warm, wholesome ‘everything is going to be ok’ feeling that comes out around Christmas time every year

    Premise: I know, I know, it’s the middle of June at the time of publishing this blog and I am talking about a Christmas themed audio. I’ll admit, I am a sucker for a good holiday romance. Especially if it involves a sexy man with a hot voice, seducing me into a sensual adventure of an erotic story.

    A Best Kept Secret listener agrees to my sentiment: “I come back to this audio regularly, not for the NSFW part, not for the holiday vibe, not even for the cozy energy, i just need to hear Mr. Chambers talking shit about my job and my boss when i’m stressed. It’s so cathartic and therapeutic, works like a charm every time”

    With the holiday season around, you have been working overtime to make some extra money, but the long hours are killing you are you are exhausted.

    After a very long stressful day you collapse in your fiancé’s arms and just can’t stop the tears rolling down your face.

    He wants to help you relax however he can, and he knows just what to do to have you slumped against him in blissful relaxation… after a cup of his world famous hot chocolate and a cheeky snowball fight, that is.

    You just know a man is a keeper if he says: You make my life better simply by existing.


    “-Nothing better than lounging naked on the couch with your fiance between your legs and simply cuddling.

    I love you so much, you know that?

    My life is… it’s so much better with you in it. I’m happier, I laugh more… everything looks brighter with you here..

    Yeah I’ve always been pretty happy-go-lucky. That’s what everyone said. But I never really felt it until I met you. You make my life better simply by existing.”

    Listen to ‘The Holiday Aesthetic’ on PornHub for FREE or on Patreon

    The Girl Next Door

    Listen to “The Girl Next Door” on YouTube for FREE or on Patreon

    Vibe: Nostalgic, sweet, fierce dominance

    Spice rating: 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️

    Main theme: Upon meeting your best friend from your teenage years, all the passion that had been suppressed for years is unleashed in one unforgettable night

    Feeling: Thrill of butterflies dancing in your stomach when long-held fantasies about someone finally become reality

    Premise: You both grew up in the same quiet town, living just a few houses apart. You were always close friends, making trouble, going to crazy parties, looking at stars, and chatting late into the night. Even though you did all these things together, you stayed just friends, never more. Then, life happened. You went off to college and didn’t think about your old life for a long time.

    One fateful night as you are visiting your parents, he is back in town for a friend’s birthday. Serendipitously, you both find yourselves at the bar after not seeing each other for the longest time and it’s like you were never apart as the drinks and the conversation flow right away.

    As he walks you home, it’s not long before old memories start stirring up. And when you impulsively kiss him on the lips on the doorstep, everything changes…

    Not only has he become a strikingly good looking man, he knows how to make a woman tremble from pleasure in his strong arms.


    -I’m not stopping this time. I might have been a fucking fool all those years ago, but I’m not about to be one right now.

    -How long have you fantasized about this?

    -Mmm I’ve thought about it a while too, baby.

    -I’d imagine you in your bedroom, just two houses down. You were always such a good girl back then. I just couldn’t help thinking about naughtier things.

    Listen to “The Girl Next Door” on YouTube for FREE or on Patreon

    Call Me When You Need Me

    Listen to “Call Me When You Need Me” on Patreon

    Vibe: Intimate, gentle, protective, sensual, hot

    Spice rating: 🌶️🌶️🌶️

    Main theme: Your guy best friend learns you are a virgin and guides you as you both touch yourselves

    Feeling: Being shy and anxious, you feel protected as your bigger, stronger and more outgoing guy best friend always has your back and loves you more than anything, but it’s oh so exciting to finally break the friend zone

    Premise: Despite being polar opposites, you and your best friend share an unbreakable bond. As a book-loving introvert, your personality starkly contrasts with his outgoing charisma, the undeniable life of every party.

    Despite his unfailing habit of poking fun at your book collecting hobby and social awkwardness, albeit in the cutest way possible, you’ve somehow gelled together and remained the closest of friends for years.

    This week, you are out of town for a work convention. Amid the laughter and the flow of drinks at the afterparty, someone suggests a game of truth or dare. You freak out because you have never played the game.

    In typical introverted fashion, you retreat to the sanctuary of the bathroom and dial your best friend, seeking his counsel.

    Despite the teasing that comes with your call, he suggests a practice round of truth or dare to ease your nerves. The conversation takes an unexpected turn when you confess to still being a virgin. This revelation surprises him, considering you’ve never talked much about your love life, and he had assumed otherwise.

    As the conversation subtly transitions into more intimate matters, you find yourself uttering, ‘Would you be my first?’ Unbeknownst to you, he has had feelings for you as more than a friend for several years.

    Despite the miles between you, he doesn’t fail to take care of his best friend. He introduces you to the world of pleasure, intimately guiding you as you are touching yourself.

    As a listener described this story: “This feels relatable and real in every way possible”.


    “-Yeah, sweetie, I’d be your first. I’d be so good to you. But you won’t let me, will you?

    As soon as we meet face to face, you’re gonna get all shy and pretend this conversation never happened. I know you, the only reason why we’re even having this talk is because you are miles and miles away and looking for an excuse to hide from your friends. If not, for those two things, this conversation never would’ve happened.

    I am not complaining. I’m glad it did, but I’m sad that nothing more will happen.

    No, it wouldn’t be weird. I’d love to be your first.

    Listen to “Call Me When You Need Me” on Patreon

    P.S. If you liked this audio, you might also love these college romance audio stories

    Baby… I Need You Naked

    Listen to ‘Baby… I Need You Naked’ on Youtube or on Patreon

    Vibe: Loving, appreciative, sensual

    Spice rating: 🌶️🌶️🌶️

    Main theme: Sensual lovemaking in a cabin in the woods

    Feeling: intimate connect on a deeper level, emphasizing the strength and resilience of your relationship

    Premise: Your boyfriend had planned a romantic weekend getaway at his parent’s cabin. But work held him up and he got to the cabin very late in the night.

    He’s upset about showing up so late. But then he sees you lying in bed, gazing out at the lake.

    You cuddle and spoon under the moonlight as you talk about everything and anything. He slowly caresses your body and strokes your hair, making you hungry for more. As the evening gives way to a night filled with passion, you both surrender to the warmth of his love.

    Maybe the night isn’t ruined after all.


    -I come in 10 hours late for our romantic getaway and instead of being rightfully angry at me or pissed off, you decided that while you were waiting for me, you wanted to count the stars and find one reason why you love me for each star?I don’t deserve you, not one bit.”

    Listen to ‘Baby… I Need You Naked’ on Youtube or on Patreon

    And There You Have It: The Best Sensual Erotica Stories

    Now go forth and explore the world of audio erotica. Whether it’s that much-needed moment of self-love or spicing things up in the bedroom, these stories are here to get you in the right mood.

    And if you just can’t get enough, you can find over 400 audio erotica stories, similar to the ones you just heard, on the Best Kept Secret Patreon!


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